Becoming a Social Media Artist, Episode 1 | Notebeans Cloud | ft. Addi Miyako

Welcome to Episode 1 of Notebeans Cloud! Whether you're a digital artist looking to grow on social media or as an alley artist, or you're interested to learn more about Addi Miyako's amazing story navigating as a watercolor and digital artist, this episode is for you!

Notebeans Cloud is a podcast created by Madeline, the founder of Notebeans Stationery, aiming to capture the stories behind creative entrepreneurs and creatives!

Its mission is to bridge creative culture and humanitarian causes, and show that an artist's journey to success and fulfillment looks less linear and more dynamic!

If you're interested in participating in an episode with us, please email with your interest, or DM us at @notebeansstationery on Instagram! Hope you guys like this one! Madeline Founder and Illustrator of Notebeans Stationery


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